
How Do You Know If You Are Blocked From Remind App

How to Know If Someone Blocked You on WhatsApp

Alessio Ganci profile image

WhatsApp is one of those apps that are already considered a must to have on any smartphone. Despite this, many people survived even without this popular messaging app before it was released: it was the period in which everyone was using essentially SMSs in order to chat with others, by paying attention to be concise and not exaggerate with texting, as this technology could be very expensive for those who were used to send a lot of messages. Now mobile offers often include a bundle of free messages you can send and the technology may be less expensive than before: still SMSs are surely less used than before the arrival of WhatsApp. At the end, why counting the number of characters and of sent messages when there is an app that allows you unlimited texting and even VOIP calling? The only limit to using WhatsApp is just your mobile connection: almost everyone todays have a good mobile data in order to be always able to stay connected also when outside home so this is not definitely a problem for most users.

The WhatsApp app icon.

The WhatsApp app icon.

WhatsApp: More Than A Chat

WhatsApp is surely more than a simple messaging app. As written before, it allows also to do many other things, including:

  • the ability to call or videocall people, by making the app a good alternative to using traditional calls, especially if you have limited minutes in your mobile offer and you want to enjoy unlimited calling;
  • the option to create groups with other contacts, so that you can always enjoy private virtual rooms where you can plan that surprise birthday for a common friend, discuss about work with your colleagues or just keep in touch with your family with a single chat;
  • sending voice messages, videos, photos, real time location with mapping and documents.

As one can see, WhatsApp is a complete tool to stay in touch with close people and, with the arrival of WhatsApp Business, to also contact companies, make online orders and ask for information about products and services. Having a WhatsApp number means being able to contact a person in every way, that's why the popular app owned by Facebook (now Meta) has an option to block other people from reaching us. This article is going to explain how to know if someone blocked you on WhatsApp.

1.) Look at the avatar of your contact

The first think to look at is surely the avatar of the contact you believe they have blocked you. It may be a picture they have uploaded (like a selfie) or the basic standard avatar like the one showed in the picture below:

The standard profile picture in a WhatsApp profile.

The standard profile picture in a WhatsApp profile.

When someone blocks you, the standard avatar will be showed. Still, seeing this profile picture is not a way to 100% know if someone blocked you on WhatsApp. In fact, there may be other possible explanations:

  • your contact does not keep a profile picture (still, if in the past you were used to see it and suddenly you do not see it anymore, it may be a signal);
  • they have set a privacy option to show profile picture only to their saved contacts (in this case this does not mean necessarily you have been blocked, but you may have simply been deleted as a contact, still it means that person may not be interested in keeping in touch with you anymore).

2.) Check the contact status

Another way to know with a reasonable probability if someone blocked you on WhatsApp is by looking at their status. If you used to see the last time your contact was online and now you see nothing, this may be a signal you have been blocked. In the above picture you were not only seeing the standard WhatsApp avatar, but also no status at all: so the probability of being blocked could be high. Take a look instead at this picture:

A contact with standard WhatsApp picture but showing online status or last time they were online: this means you are not blocked.

A contact with standard WhatsApp picture but showing online status or last time they were online: this means you are not blocked.

If you see the online status or the last time your contact was online, this means you are 100% sure they have not blocked you. If you don't see their status and you also see the standard WhatsApp picture, the probability of being blocked starts to be very high, even if other explanations can be still valid (they may have chosen to hide their online status to everyone or just to contacts).

3.) Try to contact him

The last step to know with a very high probability (especially if added to the previous steps) if someone blocked you on WhatsApp is by trying to send a message and make a call. If they have blocked you, your message will not be delivered and only a tick will be show, as in the picture below:

The first message has been delivered. After you get blocked, the second message shows only one tick, so it gets not delivered.

The first message has been delivered. After you get blocked, the second message shows only one tick, so it gets not delivered.

The last step is to try to make a call or video call: if the phone rings for several time and nothing happens, this is another signal you have been blocked. The combination of:

  • seeing the standard profile picture
  • not seeing the online status
  • not being able to make a call or send a message because only a tick is shown (the delivery tick can't be hidden unlike the read confirmation, so in this case there is not an alternative explanation based on privacy settings)

makes it almost sure you have been blocked. The other explanation possible is that your contact has removed the profile picture, hidden online status and decided to turn off their phone, or simply deleted WhatsApp but forgot to cancel the account: a very particular situation, not honestly the most probable, especially when WhatsApp is one of those apps we use everyday, more or less like we use Google. In addition, someone who cancels the app is most probable to also delete the profile, so that you will not even see your contact in the app anymore.

In conclusion, by following all the three steps you can know if someone blocked you on WhatsApp with a very high probability, almost near to being 100% sure. Of course, in order to have an official confirmation, you can try to look at your contact from another phone number and see if, at least, it shows a profile picture and the online status: this would be at the fact the final proof that can tell you if you have been blocked by also removing that 1% of uncertainty that the three methods explained in this article may still carry.

This content is accurate and true to the best of the author's knowledge and is not meant to substitute for formal and individualized advice from a qualified professional.

© 2021 Alessio Ganci

How Do You Know If You Are Blocked From Remind App


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